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At YWAM Småland we believe

that we need everyone

to finish our biggest task.

Therefore ...

It’s important for us to provide opportunities for people to serve in the short term. For younger youth, mission trips to developing countries in places like Eastern Europe are a great way to experience missions, while we also want to send teams further abroad for longer trips.

These trips are so exciting to be a part of. They are consistently a blessing to the receiving location, a blessing to the participants and can be a time when people see the call to missions over their lives which has the potential for serious multiplication!

we make it easy to go.

We are involved
in missions.

The final aspect of our work is looking for opportunities to stay involved in mission effort ourselves. The heart of YWAM Småland is believing people have a right to hear the good news.


There is great work being done all over the world among the reached and unreached. We have seen the value that short term teams can bring to a ministry when they connect with longer-term or local workers. We are thankful to be in a position to support these kinds of ministries.

The vision statement of YWAM Småland


The main purpose of YWAM Småland is to see the unreached people groups of the world reached with the Kingdom of God. 

We believe the great commission can be fulfilled in our generation. 

We want to go to the places where the name of Jesus has not been heard, and where there are no churches and no bibles in their mother tongue. 

We want to send out people longterm to bring a change to this.


With this vision in mind we want to mobilise and inspire young people all over the world, and specifically from Sweden, for missions among the unreached. We want to help people find what gifts and passion God has put in them, respond to their calling, and then launch them into the ministry where they can serve Him.

partner up.

If you’re hoping to see a greater heart for missions and the unreached in your youth group, church, or community, get in touch with us!


We would love to help you out with your mobilizing efforts.


Meet The Team (Kind of)

Where are the faces?

You may have noticed that we don’t have pictures of staff or student's faces anywhere on the website or social media. And if you hadn’t before, I’m sure you have now. This isn’t a mistake, and we aren’t just shy, but this is primarily for security reasons.

The sad truth is that there are still places in the world where it is illegal to preach and teach the gospel. These are often the countries in most social and spiritual need, so we still want to go! If we were to associate faces and names with ‘YWAM’ we might permanently close doors into these places. We’re not willing to give up the opportunity to go into ALL the nations (Matt 28:18).

The best way to get to know us personally is to send us an email. We'd love to get in contact with you!


So that you don't completely miss out on visuals, we just added some stock pictures down below that might (or might not) represent us well. 

Image by Petr Sevcovic



Jake of all trades. Fearless leader and passionate carrier of the vision. His only kryptonite: an empty stomach.

Image by Guilherme Stecanella



Brings structure into chaos. The bane of all typos. Ask her about the Dutch delicacy haring.




Warm lovely man of God.

Managed to not get a parking ticket after months of not knowing the rules.




Man of many talents.  Loves spicy food, hats, and coffee.

Our first official field worker.

Image by Landovan



Event expert with a big heart for youth. Had lunch with Bill Gates once.




Friendliest guy from the deep forests of Småland. Our current top level nerd.

Image by cookie_studio on Freepik




Fun-loving Minnesotan who learned more Swedish in 3 months than most of us do in years.



The World

Do you want to grow in leadership and character? We are looking for more staff to carry the vision!

Sweden: an incredible history

Saved by hearing the call to missions.

In the early 20th century, Sweden was the most missionary sending country in the world per capita. This resulted from revivals that broke out all over the country. Holy Spirit was so active and Sweden has never been the same. New believers were so stirred by their newfound faith that they were moved to action almost immediately. They couldn’t help but spread the gospel to those who hadn’t heard it, no matter how far away they may be.

One physical mark left from that movement are the hundreds of ‘Missionshus’ (mission houses) that still stand today. Meetings were held there to worship, teach, and ultimately mobilize for missions. These meetings were so Spirit-filled and effective that there are testimonies of people accepting Jesus, not from hearing the gospel preached, but from hearing the call to action from the believers in the congregation.

Hard-workers make hardcore missionaries.

And while these men and women went into the world from all over Sweden, the region which was sending the most missionaries into the field was Småland. Småland was and still is an agricultural area with ‘Smålanders’ known for being hard workers and quick to help those around them.


Anyone who has even just driven through this area has seen piles of rocks in the fields and the long rock walls that separate them. These hard-working people made good missionaries. People who went out would pack their belongings in their own coffin, knowing that they might only return in it themselves.

Time for this generation.

At YWAM Småland, we love that we work in an area with such a rich missions history. We want to see a new generation of Swedish missionaries with the same conviction and commitment as those 100 years ago. One picture we hold onto is that the spirit of missions that was once so explosive here is not dead, but bubbling under the surface, waiting to be released again.


With this in mind, our team began working towards the vision of YWAM Småland in 2016 with more team members joining for the official launch in the Spring of 2019. Now that you’re up to date, go check out the current opportunities to work with us in fulfilling the Great Commission.

And this is how we do it:


People with all different skills, passions, and personalities are essential to finishing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18).


Our work is to walk with people as they identify their calling and what God has equipped them for.


We facilitate their entry to the mission field; inspiring them to reach the unreached.

YWAM is a non-profit organization that strongly believes that God is our provider.

YWAM value no. 16 is 'practice dependence on God'. We trust Him to take care of our every need and we give our time and talents to God with no expectation of remuneration from the people we're serving.

We love that we can invite people to participate in our ministry through giving financially. And we love that we get to see God move through His people so that we can do what He's asked us to do.

If you would like to be a supporter of YWAM Småland, either as a one time giver or a monthly supporter, there are many ways you can do that!


1232416444 (clearly mark with "YWAM Småland")


5540-3000  (clearly mark with "purpose and name")

International transfer:
Youth with a Mission Småland
IBAN: SE77 8000 0840 5333 3000 6622

YWAM Youth With A Mission Småland
IMPORTANT: Choose the "Friends and family payment option"

Thank you for believing in what we are doing!

Support us

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