Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in the common purpose to know God and make Him known.
This takes the form of three kinds of ministry: evangelism, teaching, and mercy ministries. That means sharing the gospel, equipping believers for further ministry, or showing Jesus’ love practically through being His hands and feet. All three of these areas are needed if we are going to complete the work Jesus gave us in the great commission in Matthew 28:18.
What holds us together are two core elements. First, a common set of 18 values. If you would like to read those in full, you can find them here. In short we value God’s written and spoken word, diversity and pioneering. Secondly, the Discipleship Training School (DTS) is part of the DNA of YWAM. It is the entry level school, which means once you’ve completed your DTS, you’re qualified to work with YWAM as God calls you.
You can also read more at ywam.org.
What is YWAM?

What is a DTS?
A DTS usually takes the form of a six-month school, with a three-month lecture phase (classroom teaching on a variety of Biblical and practical topics) and a three-month Outreach phase (mission trip). The school aims to have students who know God and make God known. YWAM is a missions organization, so a DTS should not only teach students about God, but equip them to serve, bringing His Kingdom to Earth.
DTS’s run wherever YWAM is. That means that if you feel a call to a particular nation, profession or ministry, there’s a school for you. But, if you don’t feel the need to go to a DTS with a specific focus, know that putting six months aside for God is never a bad idea wherever you go.